Organising from Elsewhere

Listening, moving and deciding together in radically new ways.

Organising from Elsewhere is for anyone who has tried to change our toxic system, only to become burnt out by infighting, politics, and the failure to bring about real change. It’s for those who are curious about why our ways of organising fail – and what we can do to create new ways of moving and deciding together.

We want to start a dialogue about how our ways of organising shape and limit what we can achieve.

We host an online forum, produce a podcast and are planning a conference to explore radical approaches to organising.

We want to listen to and learn from non-western, indigenuous and marginalised traditions of organising.

We are doing radical ethnography and will build an immersive learning space for people to engage with what we encounter.

We want to support experimental spaces in which new and original ways of organising can emerge.

We are developing a programme for organisations to discover, explore and apply radically new organisational methods.

Our current ways of organising are underpinned by the same embodied notion of separation as our extractive socio-economic system. This means they recreate the cultures and power dynamics of the very system we are trying to change.

We are therefore trying to encourage social movements to think about how the way they organise shapes and limits what they are able to achieve. We think having this conversation is both urgent and necessary. 

We are also trying support groups to create bespoke forms of organising which are underpinned by a fundamentally different assumption to that of this extractive system, that of interconnectedness.

Intrigued? Read more in our project summary!

Contact Us

Interested in joining the dialogue? Limited by the way you organise and ready to try something radically different? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We are excited to hear from you!